Character 14 - Brave New World
Brave New World is a really fun supers game from 1999 and it kinda shows. Published by initially by Pinnacle Entertainment Group (PEG) and later Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) for most of the supplements and reprints, BNW derives mechanically from PEG's earlier Deadlands game and thematically from dark comic book settings like Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns. Set in an alternate world (yanno, with superheroes...) in which the Kennedy Assassination was unsuccessful (mostly, RIP Jackie and the governor of Texas), the attempt on his life lead JFK to declare Martial Law in the US and this lead, slowly but surely, to a fascist dictatorship in which JFK is basically president for life. He keeps himself in power by utilizing the superheroes - called Deltas in the setting - who've been around since at least WWI as a kind of national police force lead by even bigger and badder supers known as Alphas. You play the resistance group, the Defiants, fighting the good fight against a...